
Prof. Tamara Holjevac Grguri

Full Professor Tamara Holjevac Grgurić, PhD is a teacher and researcher at the School of Medicine, Catholic University of Croatia. Her field of investigation includes design of advanced materials, metal and polymer based materials, thermodynamic modelling by Thermo-Calc, phase transformations in metal alloys, and characterization techniques, especilly thermal analysis. So far, she has published 116 papers and led or participated in 23 scientific projects and 6 COST actions. She had specialisation at international institutions: University of North Texas in the Laboratory of Advanced Polymers and Optimized Materials, Denton, USA, and Rühr-Universitätu, u centru ICAMS “Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation”, Bochum, Njemačka. She was a member of the organizing or scientific committees of 22 international conferences and she is a representative of Croatia in the Alloy Phase Diagram International Commision.